Leo Di Donato

Results 41 comments of Leo Di Donato

@marcelosousa please take a look at https://github.com/leodido/go-conventionalcommits/pull/19 and let me know (in that PR) what do you think bout it :) My plan would be to merge that one (but...

On a side note, Go 1.14 and Go 1.15 tests break because of `os.{Read,Write}File` APIs. 2 options here: - switch to older Go APIs - get rid of Go 1.14...

> * the conventional commit specification is not explicit about bumping anything else than `patch`, `feat` or `breaking changes`. Therefore I implemented other types as an "unknown" bump for now....

Hello @juckerf I almost forgot this, sorry! For clarity, let's split the two problems we have here. The **first** problem is "how to keep track of which types' set the...

Can you give us the output of `ls -la /lib/modules/$(uname -r)` please? I think you need to install the `kernel-devel-*` package on the node to get it working, BTW. First...

Everything's possible Lore :) Anyways, I'd like to use this approach (at least as first step) to "describe" and test the input/output of `kubectl-trace` commands, as I've done in other...

I really like the idea. Especially the interface part, basically splitting the concepts in a more cleaner way! 🤓 Let's just reason about the process to let users choose which...

To me sounds exactly what I was saying :')

Exactly. :) L. On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 12:03 AM Lorenzo Fontana wrote: > The goal of this would be to have the option to do things like: >...