Felix Wittmann
Felix Wittmann
I have made one additional change. First a small fix to remove a debug output. Additionally I added an options -u to the program, which if set, prints the URI...
Adjust the naming once again. Symbols are not only types but also constants etc. symbol-kind reflects the meaning better in the source code.
Hi @fidel-ml, I had tested what you have suggested. But notice that the idea does not work quite as thought. @MurakamiKennzo is right, the problem is the **run** method where...
Hello Marc @mpscholten , I have played around a bit today. I now pass the props in the websocket URL on the first request and then set the state in...
can you please build a simple example component that generates diseb patch? Then I'll have a look at it, because I had already patched something last time. thanks
OK, I will try to simulate such a case myself. Thanks for your answer anyway
> defined-or operator oh, I didn't know the operator at all. It is often more useful than the || operator.
Hi, I would have another idea. How about if there would be an **annotation** (maybe @parameter) with which I could define a variable as a parameter? because in practice it...