$th eval.lua -model model -image_folder image -num_images 1 well, i dont know what is the meaning of " -model model " ... i need examples how to run it. What...
Hi, I have troubles to run a simple code of Random Forest Regressor Multioutput using cuML. It looks that curfr doesnt support multioutput ``` import cudf import numpy as np...
Hi, I would like to know why I have to create an database in siamese_demo_predict.py again if I did in siamese_demo_train.py thanks in advance.
I just want to know what machine learning algorithm did you use? Did you use any type of neural network?
Hi, I just wanna know what is the difference between training with all the 600 samples and training 100 samples first, 200, 300, .... What does active learning step does?...