Dledger mode does not support SSL/TLS now, do you have any plans in the future about this feature? ``` this.remotingClient = new NettyRemotingClient(new NettyClientConfig(), null); // default value of useTLS...
*Please use this template for reporting suspected bugs or requests for help.* # Issue description Send a large payload more than 2GB, `zmq::tcp_write` will abort, because the type of return...
我的程序也遇到了性能问题,使用了引用后性能有改进。但有个问题想请教一下。在你的bench代码里对数组使用了引用: `Json::Value& auc_info = common_info[i];` 这样不会发生越界吗?网上搜了一下好像没有这种用法,都是append。
我在 Learning Spark 中看到有一段话: > Finally, for binary operations, which partitioner is set on the output depends on the parent RDDs’ partitioners. By default, it is a hash partitioner, with...