Hello, I use this library in an app and all is working well but now, I need to test and I want to do it with Behat by simply checking...
# Criteria comparison is too strict (1 === true => false) ## Description I want a widget to show only for authenticated users then Criterias is supposed to be the...
## Description Like Symfony does, victoire should offer a bin to check system requirements ## Resolution Ideas example: https://github.com/symfony/requirements-checker
## Description When there isn't any blog category in database, blog's index crash ## Resolution Ideas avoid to crash by just allowing an empty collection around the blog_rss_category route generation...
## Description FOSUserBundle shouldn't be required as it's intrusive, it's the final developper choice ## Resolution Ideas We can keep the parts of code related to FOSUserBundle but in the...
**[in Bundle/BusinessEntityBundle/EventSubscriber/BusinessEntitySubscriber.php, line 155](https://github.com/Victoire/victoire/blob/6b1fbfd413555a30c16f927beb4e8b811f279eed/Bundle/BusinessEntityBundle/EventSubscriber/BusinessEntitySubscriber.php#L155)** > Calling `flush` is a resource intensive operation, especially when a lot of entities are managed by Doctrine. You should pass the entity you want to...
## Description The Victoire interface need to be accessible to everybody whatever his langage. For now, only `en`, `fr`and `es`are provided, that's a good start but we need more of...
## Description The file detach.html.twig is french hard written, we need to add the relative translations for `en`, `fr`, and `es` for now. https://github.com/Victoire/victoire/blob/master/Bundle/PageBundle/Resources/views/Page/detach.html.twig Related to #930
## Description http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-13/ defines how a link should be defined. That would be gg to do that :) ## Related to | Bundle | -- | -- | -- |...
## Description Today, several issues could be resolved by a single architecture: - widget form fields are either manual (static) or related to an entity by the `textable`, `dateable` tags...