> 在本机我也是放在 docker 里。因为 memos 可以看成一个服务,而不是一个可以安装的应用程序,所以二进制的可执行文件反而会更加麻烦(特别是在版本更新时),还是建议使用 docker。 > > 不过在版本发布时,有空的话之后会加上二进制的可执行文件。 Windows 端docker不是原生,感觉太占内存了,而且应该有一部分小白用户没有自己的VPS,也不了解docker是什么概念。所以提供二进制版本应该还是有必要的。 至于memos不是一个可安装的应用程序,我在想能否用electron包装成一个应用?这样对于大部分用户而言实际上就与一个应用程序没有区别了。 另外,能否申请加入到scoop的extra源中?使用scoop管理的话应该能比较好地解决版本更新的问题。
> 这个特性是为了适配所有的块, 应该不影响吧😂 在弹幕左端超过笔记编辑页面时这个控制按钮也会出现在笔记编辑页面外,总感觉还是有点怪呢,而且也不好操作
> I think you should try branch minimal and edit the config accordingly Thanks. But it was already the branch minimal.
> When downloading the binary cache, it will take up _ram_, and if you don't set the ram to be large enough, an _out of memory_ situation will occur. Thanks....
> disable nerdfonts in module/fonts and retry Is it correct? Other problem: "No such file or directory". ```shell [(Flakes)$:/mnt/etc/nixos/Flakes]$ nixos-install --no-root-passwd --flake .#laptop copying channel... building the flake in path:/mnt/etc/nixos/Flakes?lastModified=1684804446&narHash=sha256-7XD2OCCGAvEAPFKxB3uJqeq2b0127O3fNUe1NA4i0bk=......
Hello, I increased the memory of the virtual machine. After successful installation, it stuck at the following interface after reboot. It should be a failed installation. Is it because the...
> My default desktop configuration is hyprland, and as far as I can tell, there is a real problem with the VM support. Thanks. Maybe I'll try it on a...
@abhinavkulkarni Thank you for providing the code and assistance! I used the code you provided to generate a file called entity_token_ids_128.t7, which contains entity representations. Next, I should use the...