Results 177 comments of Frank LENORMAND

No problem. I have notifications on, feel free to close this issue once you've gotten around to doing it.

Actually I thought the API wasn't optimal here, I think the paradigm should rather be something like: ``` QUIT [-a] … ``` With `QUIT` (no args) returning an error/usage, `QUIT...

Does anybody have any workarounds for this?

Do servers communicate what maximum message length they accept? In that case, I would like `irc3` to detect that, and split messages according to it.

So, the server I'm connecting to is GameSurge. Here is the configuration the server sends to the bot: ``` 005 _nick WHOX WALLCHOPS WALLVOICES USERIP CPRIVMSG CNOTICE SILENCE=25 MODES=6...

After debugging the issue, I found two problems, and one suspicious thing: - the `IrcBot.privmsg()` function assumes that messages (i.e. words sent by users) must be `self.config.max_length` in length, when...

Any chance we'll get a fix soon? My bot trips on half of the URLs (apparently the internet has decided that having 1k+ characters long sentences in the metadata is...

For me it's after any new message is sent/received, I have to hit a key (any) for the UI to refresh.

How about making `alt-number` jump to a favourite? The average user isn't expected to have more than 10 (0 meaning 10), and it doesn't impact the paradigm of using `alt-k`...