Thank you for you help!I test it,there are some bugs,use training data you given,and use order _**_python model_LSTM.py--train=data/trainSeg.txt --model=model --iters=50_**_ tensorflow version:0.11.0rc1 numpy version:1.11.2 gensim version:0.13.3 **Here is log** embedding:data/char2vec_50.model`...
there are two tiny bugs in lstm_build.py interrupted 1.Indentation block Error in line 108 2.the decorator of lazy_property Error in line 84 Maybe you could fix it next time you...
Thanks,I infer that you used word2vec model in package of gensim to get .model. I want to get the parameter of this class: `class gensim.models.word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences=None, size=100, alpha=0.025, window=5, min_count=5, max_vocab_size=None,...