@LightBender No, I used only for C#. And I just built the examples/csharp. I think that it is a good idea to separate it into subpackage.
To take advantage of D's meta-programming strength, most operators perform optimization using "hasCompleted" and "hasFailure." The makeObserver function needs to toggle whether the return value has a "completed" method or...
OK. I will try to compare the many filtered Observable with the simply switch-case version. However, when looking at usage examples such as rxjs, it is used to handle one...
@Robert-M-Muench I wrote a benchmark. https://github.com/lempiji/rx/blob/dev/benchmarks/subject-put/source/app.d The result of a simple method was much slower than expected, so I thought about a faster way. A simple filter-subscribe model is slow,...
It was intentional to remove the Voldemort types in the filter, but not the side effect of changing size. It will be related to the compiler operation, so I will...
> So, you are going to fix this? I still don't know if this can be fixed. It depends on the results of the survey we are going to do....
Thank you for using it. Is it for the grid GUI posted in the forum? I think the problem in terms of efficiency is "How to effectively target subscribers to...
Subject does something a bit more complicated about managing Observers. (because to make subscribe lock-free) Currently, it is difficult to iterate over the observer by inheriting the Subject. For now,...
@Robert-M-Muench I added some accessors and wrote a unit test. However, having to write `if` and` cast` first is somewhat unfriendly. I'm thinking of simply adding a method to SubjectObject,...
1: I use this format because Observer was originally defined as OutputRange and this is the correct use. See `isOutputRange` in `std.range`. I have failed several times in the past,...