
Results 4 comments of lemondevxyz

I'd vouch for [gobwas/ws](https://github.com/gobwas/ws) because it is well maintained from what I could tell. That and the author of the library works at Mail.ru which means maintenance is guaranteed([They serve...

I cannot replicate this on my local development instance of CryptPad. (it occurs on [cryptpad.fr](https://cryptpad.fr)) https://cryptpad.fr/file/#/2/file/l+2yIHysBIIgtbv-+qHckV9v/ It saves the sheet with the password as needed. Also, some of the cells...

I debugged this issue in an attempt to reach for a quick fix but there seems to be an issue with X2T as just adding the `.csv` extension doesn't provide...

I tested on Chrome & Firefox Linux and can confirm the issue exists on both browsers. Pressing Home or End does not move the cursor to the start or end...