i test the drop function, it drop the packet with chance, but it seems to not retransmission like tcp. Is drop function worked on user layer, not tcp layer?
hi, embeddedmz! thank for share the great proj, i want to know which curl version is to used, i test the newest curl version 8.4.0, but the DownloadWildcard failed and...
```c++ std::string folder = "pictures"; std::string filelist; ftp.List(folder, filelist); ``` if i call the List interface like this, i can't get expected results, the auctual results filelist is one level...
template struct IndexOf; template struct IndexOf { enum { value = IndexOf::value + 1 }; }; template struct IndexOf { enum { value = 0 }; }; template struct IndexOf...
1、使用FID查询不能获取到正确的结果,我查阅了其他issue,有一条可能是你优化query("")结果,在序列化generate_query_sql中去掉了where_sql的赋值操作,导致通过FID查询序列化时最终的sql没有where关键字而导致查询失败; 2、我可以通过修改generate_query_sql中关于where_sql的赋值来解决这个问题,但通过`query("where code = 5")`这种方式就需要同时调整为`query("code = 5")`去掉**where**关键字。而且这样做之后,对上面我提到的那个issue的修改就会失效,即`query("")`拿不到结果;