I traced the error down to the **first** broken commit: - firmware-5-full-community-qcache-commit-235-af83039c7.bin However, during the bisect, I observed different kind of behavior: - On some commits, the firmware is crashing...
Now, the -234- starts to crash also. :( Here is the [log](https://paste.irrelefant.net/iya9ku4U.txt).
If this version is just -234- squashed together with the next five commits, I do not understand how this version differs from -239-, but I will try this version. I'll...
The new firmware firmware-5-full-community-qcache.bin.gz (from above) also doesn't work. ``` Fri Feb 24 06:41:25 PM CET 2023: firmware-5-full-community-qcache-commit-234-squashed-with-5-commits.bin -> version (firmware ver 10.4b-ct-4019-fWQ-05-2c04d5a86 api 5) ```` The router is crashing...
With "the router is crashing" I mean that the OS is crashing. I can not confirm if the firmware is also crashing for this firmware or not. (My logs do...
The -233- is now running stable since two days. This means, -233- is ok. What are the next steps?
I will make sure we get serial logs. But it will take a few days.
Ok, the serial logging is now installed. This is the first log piece: [Link](https://paste.irrelefant.net/euFui7yi.txt). - This is -234- "squashed with 5 commits". - I am only running the new firmware...
Here is a log, where the OS is also crashing: [Link](https://paste.irrelefant.net/ohVohn8e.txt). Look at approx 17.44h. (This is still -234- "squashed with 5 commits".) Can you figure out something using this...
Here is another log from today, where multiple crashes are included in case you want to compare: [Link](https://paste.irrelefant.net/lox0Nu3a.txt).