
Results 67 comments of lemoer

Hi @aparcar, thank you for picking this up. Packages that use Lua postinstall scripts exist within [gluon](https://github.com/freifunk-gluon/gluon) (for quite some time). Explanation: To make it short, we have an additional...

With default OpenWrt configuration for x86-64: ``` ~/d/f/i/2/openwrt-imagebuilder-x86-64.Linux-x86_64> du -sh staging_dir/hostpkg/{bin,lib} 1.5M staging_dir/hostpkg/bin 3.6M staging_dir/hostpkg/lib ```

I updated this patch once more. Now *.so dependencies of lua libraries are also bundled correctly in the imagebuilder.

@AiyionPrime The mockup from @kpanic23 would be a good first step. But we could allow doing more. The backend code also allows adding arbitrary (?) vlans on top of the...

In general, I would assume, that we need kind of an "interface discovery", that returns a list of interfaces where roles can be assigned. This would be helpful in cases...

We should also check the differences between DSA and swconfig devices. I would assume the following: - We can support vlan creation for ~~both~~ DSA ~~and swconfig~~. - Creating vlans...

I am not quite sure, but I think there are role combinations, that should be forbidden on the same interface. I would say: - `uplink` & `client` on the same...

> we need kind of an "interface discovery" If I look at the wired interfaces on my TP-Link TL-WDR4900 (with swconfig), there are: - `eth0` - not connected to anything...

> http://netjson.org/#third ? The scope of Netjson is very different from the current Gluon configuration approach. Netjson is a low-level definition of device configuration. The level of detail of Netjson...

Okay, you are right. That there are orthogonal ideas. I would like to focus on the REST API idea first. ### Some Requirements for the REST API: - REQ1: Packages...