Lê Minh Hiếu (Otis)

Results 4 comments of Lê Minh Hiếu (Otis)

> The problem of this library is that contributors and not responding to the latest issues. last publish is over an year ago. i don't see any new activities on...

> Hi @leminhhieu98py > > I'm not sure if this can be considered a bug. > > For example:- 1.1+0.1=== 1.2 // false 1.1+0.1===1.2000000000000002 // true This is an accepted...

@probablykasper - REPL link: https://svelte.dev/repl/2525987b869c456d907abf863b16ff96?version=4.2.8 - Instructions: - Can not input hour value >= 10 - Can not input minute value >= 10 Please test and confirm whether you can...

@probablykasper Hello, Are you/ your team working on this?