> Just want to note that AES GCM is available in _System.Security.Cryptography_ [as of .NET Standard 2.1](https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.security.cryptography.aesgcm?view=netstandard-2.1) as an alternative to P/Invoking. Thanks for this. Good to know but I'm...
@kdaveid, I'd say this library was originally done more or less as an educational project and is no longer being maintained. The original author is aware of the pull requests....
I've seen this but it is intermittent. It's likely that the device only permits one connection at a time. When all connections are funneled through the cloud (Alexa, Smart Home...
kdaveid, the base project has some bugs which, if not corrected, can result in unrecoverable shares being produced. I have a pull request which corrects these bugs but the original...
Very old comment, and even much older project. However, I can say that ssss-split and ssss-combine, on which this project is based, are not designed to fully support binary secrets...
While my previous comment is true, the loss of leading binary zeros is a bug that has a simple fix. I have a working modification.
I have done so. In the meantime my fork has the fix.