> 您好,我想请教下,我直接跑demo,用的是efficient b0,loss下降到30左右就降不下去了,不知这是不是正常的情况? 你好,请问你训练多少个epoch,loss下降明显的,我训练50个epoch,loss依然很高,用的是300W数据集: Epoch:[50 ][26 /26 ] Loss: 23002.686 lr 1e-06 average_time:3.894s remain_time:12.627h Test epochs: 5 Loss 46399478.200 mean error and failure rate mean error : 1.664 failure rate:...
thank you ,I should make clear my question. I want to know whether the featuremap of the last layer of convolutional output can be directly drawn into an density maps...
thank you ,I got it
I have sovled the problem ,it can be trained now
and cudnn 7.5
I have solve the problem,it should be add cufft to cuda library
I should read all files carefully, thank you for your reply
> hi , 兄dei 以下是我寫的腳本能清理wiki資料成, train.json 要的形式,希望能幫上忙。 它只紀錄前10筆, 看個人需求記得做更改。 > > ``` > import glob > import json > > names =glob.glob("./data/wiki_zh/*/*") > for i, name in enumerate(names): > articles=[]...
@steven8274 hello! may I ask how to understand the "All signals used as input to the model are subject to a random gainchosen from a uniform distribution ranging from -25...
@steven8274 thank you for you reply , I still don't quite understand what signal to add,example: import numpy as np min_gain_dB = -25 max_gain_dB = 0 random_gain_dB = np.random.uniform(min_gain_dB, max_gain_dB)...