Roland Leißa

Results 67 comments of Roland Leißa

Follow-up question: This configuration opens a new tab page - even when firing up a fresh vim which leaves the initial unnamed buffer in its dedicated tab. Is there a...

Hi, thanks for reporting the bug. This is a known problem. We are working on that, but it will take some time :) In the mean time, when you just...

No, bitcasting `i32` to `[i8 * 4]` is not allowed. Doing stuff like this is not even allowed in C. For example, the following C code is illegal: ``` C...

No, line 3 is illegal (i.e. _undefined behavior_). According to the C standard (§6.5 - 7): > An object shall have its stored value accessed only by an lvalue expression...

Yes, it's a big problem. Many C programmers don't understand the standard and there are many myths regarding the language. And then programmers curse the compiler engineers when the C...

@KareemErgawy: I think the easiest solution would be to simply use Rust's idea with this `transmute_copy`. Would this be fine for you?

We should fix pretty printing. That being said, most sema tests are broken anyway since they have not been ported after merging the infer branch. Too many things changed... If...

IMHO tests belong to the stuff they are testing. Most tests in impala/tests are actually tests for impala. However, there are a couple of tests which actually test things in...

I think we should put this discussion offline, and discuss that on our next meeting - we're getting a bit off-topic :)

This, is some new stuff I'm working on. Works in thorin's eurollvm branch.