
Results 4 comments of leileilin

> > 训练报错 Providing a bool or integral fill value without setting the optional `dtype` or `out` arguments is currently unsupported. In PyTorch 1.7, > > 什么版本的pytoch可以使用? > > 可以考虑使用低版本的PyTorch,比如1.4版本,如果方便的话,请告知一下具体报错的代码位置,我们会尽快修复这个bug,谢谢!...

> Hello Ye, thanks for making the code public. > > Not sure if I understand correctly, but from [here](https://github.com/yeliu918/KG-BART/blob/master/KGBART/KGBART_model/modeling_kgbart.py#L1076) it seems that the KG-augmented decoding layers are not applied...

> > 请问您的transformer-base的序列长度是用的默认的1024吗?因为pdc的测试集中,中文的148个篇章中有35个是超过了1024(按子词计算),那么如果采用1024,这35个篇章该怎么处理呢?谢谢 > > 超过1024也没有关系呀,不影响模型。是不是因为您的positional embedding是固定的向量矩阵?我们使用的是三角函数作为positional embedding,因此没有长度的限制。 那这样超出1024的输入还会给到模型作为输入吗? 谢谢!!!

> Hello! There are some details about the litbank experiment in https://aclanthology.org/2021.emnlp-main.425/ both in the figures and Table 6, but if you want more detailed numbers, I'm happy to provide...