Lemon Gong
Lemon Gong
also working for me, thanks
Did the hotplug supported on windows?
how pyUSB hotplug is going?
i install colorama. But i got an error when i used `COLOR_GROUPS` my demo code like this. ```python from colorama import Fore,Style, init class MyApp_colour(cli.Application): init(autoreset=True) PROGNAME = (Fore.GREEN +...
the error occured in file [application.py](https://github.com/tomerfiliba/plumbum/blob/b7222f87f338f4ef1a0c8262d748a2bad93b5f0d/plumbum/cli/application.py) , line 842, `print(self.COLOR_GROUPS[grp] | lgrp + ':')` and line 892 `print(description_indent.format(color | prefix, padding, color | msg))`. if colorama is used, the type...
yeah,i did that. ``` class MyApp_colour_nix(cli.Application): PROGNAME = colors.green VERSION = colors.BLUE | "1.0.2" COLOR_GROUPS = {"Meta-switches" : colors.bold & colors.yellow} opts = cli.Flag("--ops", help=colors.magenta | "This is help") def...
I got it. thanks very much!