Lei JiRong
Lei JiRong
> > > > @Robertwyq numworks设成0这个我清楚,然后还需要自己修改代码把分布式训练的部分去掉? 你好 请问这个问题你解决了吗 我是pdb调试,然后调试的字母一直跳动
try to set the following parameter as true: receive_own_message = True or something like this check the exact grammer usage on official document .
> It is normal for me to detect vector with pyinstaller package. What do you use package tool? the same, pyinstaller. do you have any special steps when packaging using...
Thank you very much! Get it done!!
我也有一样的困扰,识别不了etas的设备。明明驱动也装了,就是detect不到设备。 然后还有一个致命的问题,打包成exe之后,识别不了任何硬件设备。。。。