Peter Leijdekkers
Peter Leijdekkers
Is it true that the graphs do not display in classes that extent the SherlockFragmentActivity? If i extend to Activity it works but would like the support for SherlockFragmentActivity as...
I have activated card.setSwipeable(true) and mCardArrayAdapter.setEnableUndo(true) and set the following listeners on my card (see below). 2 listeners work as expected but not the setOnUndoSwipeListListener. I press the Undo button...
Hi I get this error when i even try to stop listening for location updates. So i call this in my code assuming it would stop the smartlocation altogether. What...
Hi, Does appsync sdk support RxJava like Apollo? I experimented adapting the class to AppSync and I got the queries part working but not mutation. So does AppSync properly...