Michael Leigeber
Michael Leigeber
Scratch this, I'm pretty sure this was blatant user error. Sorry for the false alarm.
Actually I was just able to replicate this... {exp:stash:set name="test"} test {/exp:stash:set} {exp:stash:append name="test" trim="no"} 123 {/exp:stash:append} {exp:stash:get name="test"} If you have a line break on both the gap between...
EE 2.7 w/ Windows. Thanks.
Thanks for the reply. Sure, totally understood about defining the plane. But with terrain on as you zoom in close to the ground (anywhere, the mountains were just an example),...
Hey @mourner, sorry to bug you but wanted to follow up on this. Any plans to allow disabling the auto-pitch? Pretty major pain point for us. If this is better...
MapLibre released their terrain without auto-pitch behavior, which is exactly what we're after. Any update? https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js-docs/example/3d-terrain/
@mourner For what it's worth we just ran into this after enabling RGB terrain in our Mapbox style. We weren't able to figure out a resolution to it and had...
@EETagent Loads up and functions as expected for me. Excited to have a path forward with this. Nice work 🏆
We're also running into this issue. Any thoughts on when the pull request might be merged @tschaub? Thanks.