@BeSlower I was able to eventually run the code. The error is caused by the model being outdated with respect to the script. You'll have to train your own model.
@mathDR @fgarcd03 I'm also getting the same error. Were you able to resolve it? I have Keras=0.3.3 and Theano=0.8.1
@mathDR I'm using the virtualenv setup in Ubuntu 16.04 for Tensorflow v1.0.1, and then I used pip to install Keras and Theano using the ff. command: ```pip install keras==0.3.3 theano==0.8.1```...
The pip version doesn't have the setup.py in its directory so I can't do the the: ```pip install -e .``` command. So I uninstalled it, and downloaded Keras from https://testpypi.python.org/pypi/Keras/0.3.3....
Ok, I've managed to solve the issue. As it turns out, Keras, by default, uses Tensorflow as its backend. You'll have to force it to use Theano. I followed the...