Jon Lee
Jon Lee
I can confirm that the OTF font loads in Safari, but not Firefox or Chrome. And that the ligatures do not work in the WOFF versions. Seems like the vertical...
Chrome and Firefox leverage [OTF Sanitizer]( which is outputting these errors, which now states on the .otf: ``` cmap: Out of order end range (65535
Whichever spec it is in, I'm in support of this. There is one caveat. The proposal turns the IDL from `attribute boolean capture;` to `attribute DOMString capture;` which makes for...
This is probably because it's using a clang++ version already on your system. I had to change the LLVM path in ~/.emscripten to: `LLVM_ROOT = os.path.expanduser(os.getenv('LLVM', '/usr/local/Cellar/emscripten/1.38.22/libexec/llvm/bin/')) # directory`
I am seeing this issue still. Open a directory in TM so that the sidebar shows on the left side. ⌃⌥⌘D - sidebar hides ⌃⌘R - a blank sidebar appears...