Lee Hericks
Lee Hericks
**Ruby Version:** Ruby 3.0.1 **Framework Version (Rails, whatever):** Rails 6.1.4 **Action Policy Version:** 0.5.7 ### What did you do? I have a navigation bar and some links are conditional, like...
According to Neo4j.rb documentation [here](http://neo4jrb.readthedocs.io/en/9.0.x/Querying.html?highlight=save#associations-and-unpersisted-nodes), setting associations saves automatically. In Rails 5, AttributeAssignment was moved from ActiveRecord to ActiveModel as mentioned [here](https://blog.bigbinary.com/2016/05/17/rails-5-moved-assign-attributes-from-activerecord-to-activemodel.html). Therefore, ActiveNode has the following methods: ``` model.assign_attributes()...
An official, core driver near to the Neo4j driver specification sounds great, but the proposal doesn't feel Ruby-like. I also think Rails developers will prefer the abstraction built over the...
One quick one: I noticed `TrustStrategy.trust_all_certificates` and `LoadBalancingStrategy::LEAST_CONNECTED` seem to be inconsistent. Typo? ```ruby ###################################### # Example 2.8. Trust ###################################### driver = Neo4j::Driver::GraphDatabase.driver(uri, Neo4j::Driver::AuthTokens.basic(user, password), trust_strategy: Neo4j::Driver::Config::TrustStrategy.trust_all_certificates) ###################################### # Example...
New example Rails 5.1.4 project, gems: ``` # Secure ALL the things! gem 'devise' gem 'neo4j', '~> 8.2.1' gem 'devise-neo4j' ``` `rails g neo4j:devise User` generates: 20170910050708_create_user 20170910050708_devise_create_user_constraints_and_indexes Running `rails...