First off, probably not the most appropriate place to post this question: I understand that this repository is targeted at APT29 (which is also pointed out at https://github.com/mitre-attack/attack-arsenal/issues/24). However, 1....
According to the `Full` profile of APT3 [here](https://github.com/mitre-attack/attack-arsenal/blob/master/adversary_emulation/APT29/CALDERA_DIY/evals/data/adversaries/ef93dd1b-809b-4a0b-b686-fef549cabbe4.yml), the 19 phases are executed in one-shot. When adding an Operation to run this particular profile, we start off with the initial...
OS: `Ubuntu 18.04.6` apt-offline Version: `1.8.1` Command 1 `sudo apt-offline set update.sig --update` Command 2 `sudo apt-offline get update.sig --bundle update.zip` Error encountered after running Command 2: ``` Fetching APT...