@rpkaul just ignore that error. btw, Faceit changes DOM so many times => I need to update code. (I have just updated) if you don't see the detail of match...
@invisible-defects @rpkaul i updated new code
@rpkaul I have not ever played the HUB game but I think it is a custom match => ELO won't be changed.
@rpkaul sr, I missed. > @leedrum if hub is verified then ELO will be effected and now days lots of players playing in HUBs bcz of fast admin support and...
@rpkaul The matches above don't affect ELO. I tested on the real-time match and observe. It seems still OK (you can check the video below). About "Bans history", the PR...
@rufatalv The problem is Faceit changed DOMs => extension can't display to the match info area anymore. I just correct the query selector. you can check my commit [here](https://github.com/faceit-enhancer/faceit-enhancer/commit/50ab80e45ab1b57380fecbd4e414a17f039b1b66)
@popoyeLetal it is [here](https://github.com/leedrum/faceit-enhancer/tree/fix-show-elo-estimation) for firefox, u can load like the steps below 1. Open `about:debugging#addons` 2. Click on `Load Temporary Add-on` 3. Select the `manifest.json` file
UPDATED: I fixed auto accept party invite
@rpkaul @Icytreez ok, I'm on a vacation. I will check it tomorrow. @rpkaul Discord? I don't have any friend request.
@rpkaul @Icytreez I fixed it. u guys can re-install the extension to update the latest code. Link download: [Lastest extension](https://github.com/leedrum/faceit-enhancer/releases/download/v2.11.7/faceit-enhancer-fixed-show-elo-estimation.zip) btw, I'm going to publish an extension to chrome store....