
Results 13 issues of leechaowen

Before everything is fine, but connection refused recently. What happend? Does this service blocked the users from China? $ pkg update Err:1 https://its-pointless.github.io/files/24 termux InRelease Failed to connect to its-pointless.github.io...

$ apt-key add pointless.gpg CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "gpg": library "libz.so.1" not found when run apt-key add pointless.gpg error comeout, Could someone help me fix the issue? Thanks. the version show...

**Feature description** i really like enjoying termux-location function. i do the test in the outdoor ,find it's take a long time( about 2 seconds) to Get the GPS info when...

how to play sound in adilearning by command ? i had installed the packages termux-api in python to call the termux.Media.play function , no help. and try to install mpv,...

I need to take screen. run below code is ok. but how to read the fullscreen by R? i do not want to save to harddisk the read again. ```...

I fail to install later in termux . i took one night to view the exists issues relate the topic timespec, the way is write something in this file Makevars...

I call python in R for screenshot ,then read image from clipboard . but the image_read not support read from clipboard. ``` library(magick) library(reticulate) use_python("C:\\Program Files\\Python310\\python.exe") py_run_string("import pyautogui") py_run_string("pyautogui.hotkey('fn','printscreen')") image_read(readClipboard())...

大神!如何实现每秒动态更新,后台向前台传数据? 万分感谢。

how to add hyperlink for embedded image in PPT? my part code like this. success add external img, but fail to add hyperlink. ``` svg_file % ph_with(value = external_img(svg_file, 100...

i means when mouse move on the button , it turn to hand style. how to judge the mouse is over the button ?