
Results 9 issues of leebrooks0

I am using Vim 7.4 and have this in my .vimrc Bundle 'Yggdroot/indentLine' When I :BundleInstall and restart I see nothing?


I am brand new to Go (installed it today...), and I see that GVM doesn't install other utilities such as godoc. How do I install them? If I have do...

If I have http://majutsushi.github.io/tagbar/ open, DWM considers it a normal window and will move it into the stacked pane etc. I would like to have tagbar ignored and anchored on...

I am using Sublime 3 and would like to have syntax highlight if I used Amber. Do you know of anything of the sort? I noticed the syntax deviates from...

Would it not be desirable to have a Clear()/Reset() method that clears out the session, or perhaps a method to get all the keys from the session that you could...

If there is a server side error GZip returns a file to the browser named latest, and does not display an error in the browser. If you turn Gzip off...

Any plans to add support for https://github.com/benekastah/neomake? Also, is there a reason why you have a plugin for Eastwood and not Kibit? Is Kibit not as useful?

Bower is pretty universal now for asset management.


This tool is great, but is next to impossible to find with both Google and Github search, it would be great if you updated the readme, to mention more about...