Lee H.
Lee H.
For the Apple SSO, there are 2 Client IDs, a Bundle ID and a Services ID. When the flow is started from a mobile iOS device the app would use...
Can I edit without having to delete? e.g. rename or change the daily goal?
If I have a habit I'm supposed to do 3 times per week instead of daily is it possible?
I would like to deploy imgproxy to AWS using [Fargate](https://aws.amazon.com/fargate/?whats-new-cards.sort-by=item.additionalFields.postDateTime&whats-new-cards.sort-order=desc&fargate-blogs.sort-by=item.additionalFields.createdDate&fargate-blogs.sort-order=desc) to serve different sizes/formats of images from an s3 bucket. Ideally also behind Cloudfront. ## Deploy with Fargate I followed...
In `registration.serializers.SocialLoginSerializer`, the validate method has the following logic: ``` try: login = self.get_social_login(adapter, app, social_token, access_token) complete_social_login(request, login) except HTTPError: raise serializers.ValidationError(_("Incorrect value")) ``` In other words the `access_token`,...
…is token the `adapter.parse_token`, so that `SocialToken` instance also caches the `refresh_token` and refresh is possible for "offline" mode (e.g. tested with google api offline mode)
I installed disqus-python then tried the basic example with my secret key and public key: ``` pip install disqus-python from disqusapi import DisqusAPI disqus = DisqusAPI(secret_key, public_key) ``` However now...
Is there anyway I can load the weights and "quantize" to reduce the size so I can run with pytorch mobile client side?
Implements - Allow custom headers setting, which is useful for some sites you may wish to scrape - Also when doing a crawl we may want the process url to...