Georg Ledermann

Results 38 comments of Georg Ledermann

Sorry for long delay. Do you mean the [formatting rules of for the remittance information]( What's your idea about supporting this?

Ok. Maybe it could be implemented by building a mapper class hierarchy for the `RmtInf/Strd` part of the XML schema. Currently I have no use case for this things, but...

Sorry for the late answer... and thank you for the kind words :) Currently, there are no plans to support other protocols. But if you want to contribute some code...

I would like to have a plain Ruby implementation to get transactions, too. So many ideas, so little time... :) Maybe you can look at _AqBanking_ for receiving transactions. Some...

@fatkodima Jepp, using native `upsert` from Rails 6.1 would be nice. But the current behavior (using external gem `upsert`) is still required for Rails < 6.1.

Thanks for your feedback, but I don't see what's wrong with the timestamps. The single timestamp (`read_marks.readable_type IS NOT NULL`) is the time when the readable was read by the...

You are right, not the reading time is stored, it's the reference time of the readable. Sorry - it's five year old code :) Using the current time feels better...

Two notes about your "aging report": - In the database there is no difference between "the user as read the individual readable" and "the user has not read it, but...

Sorry, for delay - but what about this: ``` ruby class Project < ActiveRecord::Base has_settings :info, :class_name => 'ProjectSettingObject' do |s| s.key :dashboard, :defaults => { :theme => 'blue', :view...

Nice idea, I like it. But remember that the database model of this gem is based on the assumption, that the goal is something like _inbox zero_: In the long...