Yes of course I can provide more details. This was more of an opener for figuring this out, and I expected that more details would be required. I'll try to...
I'll try to remember and provide the details soon. I usually run into this issue during a work task, which means I work around it and move on at which...
Seems to be Nginx locking down css/js files of plugins/themes. This seems to be a very similar scenario: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42574500/cant-edit-delete-file-shared-with-vagrant-on-windows-10-vitualbox-issue I tried some Nginx confs, similar to what was mentioned in...
Not entirely sure if related, but seems similar to an issue I'm having on Windows. Database seems to get corrupted on `vagrant halt`. I'm currently running the stable box v20201205.0.0...
The latest `seravo/wordpress-beta` box seems to fix the issues for me. Switched from the latest stable (`v20201205.0.0`) to the latest beta (`v20210317.0.0`). 1. Completely wiped the local environment I was...