Hello, Thanks for the info. Is there any example on how to use the opendp-ffi?
> I don't have a lot of knowledge about embedded platforms, but aarch64 is listed as a [rustc supported platform](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/rustc/platform-support.html). > You can use [this page](https://rust-lang.github.io/rustup/overrides.html#default-toolchain) for info on how...
I had to take out openssl as well as that was causing issues with finding "limits.h". Now I have libopendp_ffi.so loading on my target chip (ARM64 based). I tried that...
Hi , Thanks for the suggestions. I was able to load libopendp.so and run the inbuilt rust tests on my platform. So I think first approach should be OK for...
yes thats the one :-)
Hi @boland25 , Thanks for the reply. Does the current toolkit/libraries support proxy re-encryption scheme in CKKS at the moment? That would be enough for my use case.
I have that in config. Do you have gcc installed on your system? I didnt have gcc on my VM initially. After installing gcc it seems to compile with the...