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Database migration tool for .NET and .NET Core projects. Inspired by Flyway.

Results 40 Evolve issues
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Logically, I guess the placeholders come into play after a checksum has already been calculated. How can I ensure the checksum changes so that my repeatable migrations still run when...


## Add `Drop` command to Evolve Hi! I'd like to get thoughts on adding a `Drop` command to the Library and CLI tool. Some other database versioning systems like DbUp...

It is very nice that library provide versionable and repeatable types of migration files. But sometimes it might be useful to be able to apply repeatable migrations in before versionable....

i.e. something like https://flywaydb.org/documentation/tutorials/baselineMigrations.html Is this supported / planned?

It would be great to have a rollback feature so that the schema can be rolled back to a specific migration. The functionality could be similar to EF migrations rollback....

migration scripts are diposed in "{ProjectFolder}\db\migrations*.sql;" This task is invoked on statrup: ``` public abstract class DbMigrationTask : IStartupTask { protected readonly string _connectionString; private readonly string _databaseSchema; private readonly...

Is it possible to add an equivalent of [Philosophy behind DbUp](https://dbup.readthedocs.io/en/latest/philosophy-behind-dbup/) documentation? Both project use plain SQL scripts. Other than difference in DBs supported, the users of this project will...

Hi. We are using Evolve 3.0.0 in our .NET 4.8 Desktop Application with a MariaDB 10.3.x database and [MySqlConnector](https://mysqlconnector.net/) 1.3.14. Evolve works great, thanks for putting your time and passion...

Hi are there any plans to create a docker image of evolve, this would be awesome when running Continues deployments?


When debugging through the coding, I found out that `InternalGetAllMetadata` method implemented in the dialects is called very frequent. If I placed a Log inside the method I got when...