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Database migration tool for .NET and .NET Core projects. Inspired by Flyway.

Results 40 Evolve issues
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Evolve 3.0.0 Npsql 5.0.4 In db log: ``` ERROR: syntax error at or near "LIKE" at character 16 STATEMENT: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%version%' ```


Getting this error even on minimal tests. Is there something I'm missing for running with a M1 Mac? ### What I'm doing * Creating `./V1__Testing.sql` ```sql create table dbo.Foo (...

In a distributed environment where versions are generated using timestamp up to milliseconds level as shown below ```shell unix_based_version_number=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S%s') ``` running migrate fails due to OverflowException. This is as...

This would essentially replicate what FlyWay is doing with its [Java-based migrations](https://flywaydb.org/documentation/tutorials/java#creating-a-java-based-migrations). I used this in order to automatically sync some tables with enums, for example. It's also helpful because...

Our DBAs like to use their own tooling for any scripts to be applied into production, and they have a process whereby the rehearse running in the scripts against a...

After upgrading to `3.1.0` I get the following error when running `Evolve.Erase()` ``` 2022-12-22 20:35:47 2022-12-22 13:35:47.609 UTC [93] ERROR: syntax error at or near "-" at character 30 2022-12-22...

I had problems with running Evolve on Windows on ARM, because `System.Data.SQLite.Core` doesn't include ARM SQLite .dll, so I tried using `Microsoft.Data.Sqlite` package and it works perfectly. `Microsoft.Data.Sqlite` includes .dll...

Enables by default a new but it is possible to specify dependencies for each repeatable script file. A slight refactor to the parsing of evolve file options has been necessary...

When I try to migrate a large file (7.5MB, ~7,000 lines) I get the following error: Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. Sql query: SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('Evolve'); Object...

The [README.md](https://github.com/lecaillon/Evolve/blob/master/README.md) contains a link to https://evolve-db.netlify.com/