I was using https://github.com/tducasse/go-instabot . It still uses that old github.com/ahmdrz/goinsta/v2 library , so i replaced it with yours. But now it gives me this error: parseOptions() not defined, getConfig()...
Let's say I want to use a proxy server 123.456.789 with the port 8080, how do I pass that to snoowrap?
Reddit has this new feature of "chat". Is it implemented in snoowrap?
I am using this: ``` submissions = await r.getSubreddit('SubRedditName').getHot({limit: 20}); const comments = await submissions[0].expandReplies(); console.log(comments); ``` But it doesn't give me an array/object of comments.
Can you send chat messages to random users with this?