Felipe Leão
Felipe Leão
Pessoal, estava analisando a utilização do conf-boilerplate, e me deparei com o seguinte problema: Não existe uma forma de criar uma conferência que dure mais de um dia. Algo como:...
**Description** Combine `@clappr/core` repository into `clappr` repository keeping the commit history. **More information** This [**article**](https://mattmazzola.medium.com/creating-a-monorepo-from-separate-repos-merging-repositories-f7942885ace6) can help you know how to do that.
- Transform Events class from Clappr into an adapter for the [Eventemiiter3](https://www.npmjs.com/package/eventemitter3) library. **Extra** - Adding Typescript to project
This PR adds [Stale Action](https://github.com/actions/stale) to the project with the following configurations: - Add a "Stale" label to issues and pull requests after 30 days of inactivity. - Closes stale...
This Issue is for Adding Staled Bot to project. Staled Bot was deprecated. [This is the new mantained project](https://github.com/actions/stale) PR Created: https://github.com/clappr/clappr/pull/2142