Leandro RR

Results 11 issues of Leandro RR

since the last issue was not solved, i decided to go ahead and open it. *issue* when submiting the form, if the textarea has a required attribute, then the console...

faz um post de como a galera que ta trilhando o caminho do front end e etc...pode ingressar no mercado de trabalho, quais as skills básicas necessárias, por onde começar...


this line is setting the status code always to 500 https://github.com/esbenp/heimdal/blob/master/src/Formatters/ExceptionFormatter.php#L13

i'm using laravel 5.5 and i'm testing this package, however, one of your class has a error throwed by my editor at this line: https://github.com/esbenp/heimdal/blob/master/src/Formatters/HttpExceptionFormatter.php#L19 following this error, i figure...

o que está no branch 2x pode ser usado com segurança?

i'm running my phoenix application inside a docker container, after try commit I get the error: `/usr/bin/env: ‘escript’: No such file or directory`, i cd to that directory inside my...

**Describe the bug** the package doesn`t have types and it not works with react 17 and above **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: when install the package **Expected behavior**...

make a new version with laravel 5.5

tried add tooltip option but it don't work... need add it.

after add this helper to my angular app i got the error in my console: `[$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module {} due to`