Leandro Fernandes

Results 20 issues of Leandro Fernandes

# Extend with expression to anonymous type * [x] Proposed * [x] Prototype: Done. * [x] Implementation: Done, * [ ] Specification: Not Started Speclet: https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/main/proposals/csharp-10.0/record-structs.md ## Summary [summary]: #summary...

Proposal champion
Smallish Feature
Implemented Needs ECMA Spec

after add in docker file `RUN echo "http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community" >> /etc/apk/repositories` as suggested on README of this repository and receive the bellow exception. environment .Net core 2.2 Alpine | Self Contained...

It is useful to have an overload where user can pass the bucket factory. Pratical example: - user can customize to get arrays from ArrayPool - user can customize to...

`Flatten` operator takes a sequence containing arbitrarily-nested sequences and return a flatten one but sometimes we need to do the inverse operation, that is, given a flatten sequence, we need...

Refactored Traverse implementation to avoid repetitive code.

- [x] remover remnants "Must be member expression" #39 - [x] add tests for flag enum write/read #42 - [x] remove unsed code #38 - [ ] provide factory methods...

I propose we support attributes for anonymous records. The existing way of approaching this problem in F# is define a named type. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11452028/192107685-cf8c6302-c896-4b39-b0b1-c30c08e994d9.png) _without the attribute the code compiles_ ##...

area: anonymous-records

Hi! I have a personal project with a class similar to `Result` and I have the following method, which is used to wrap code on `Result `structure. I am planning...