Leandro Albero
Leandro Albero
Thanks for the port. I am not able to get it working on my Pi4 8GB, I get stuck with a 'Bus error' message. ## cmake options `cmake -DADAFRUIT_ILI9341_PITFT=ON -DILI9341=ON...
That solved the 'Bus error', now I get an 'vc_dispmanx_display_open failed! Make sure to have hdmi_force_hotplug=1 setting in /boot/config.txt' even with hdmi_force_hotplug set to 1 ``` [email protected]:~ ₿ sudo tvservice...
Tried points 1 (I can't find an option to change to legacy GL driver on Debian 11) and 2. But I can't get the screen to change state, all I...
Happened to me a couple of times too, neither rebooting nor reinstalling fixed it. The only times it has fixed by itself has been after a HA update. All of...
What I don't understand is why it works sometimes and sometimes not... If they changed something in the API side it should not work at all, shouldn't it?
I can still control the ACs via the other app when HA stops working, so I guess they’re still connected to the internet. Must be a problem with the API...
Updating the model used by fasttext for language identification helps solve the issue, at least for the translations that failed in my tests. https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/language-identification.html This repo is using `lid.176.ftz`, switching...