
Results 11 issues of life

service.js: ```javascript const cote = require('cote'); const timeService = new cote.Responder({ name: 'Time Service' }); timeService.on('time', (req, cb) => { console.log('get', req.i) setTimeout(() => { cb(null, req.i); console.log('return', req.i) },...

I have created a tx and add a OP_RETURN output at ``` OP_RETURN 48656c6c6f2c204465637265642e ``` Decode the Hex data `48656c6c6f2c204465637265642e ` to string (UTF-8) is `Hello, Decred.` Maybe the...

## 数据相关 1. 现在用的是自带的Storage存储, 比较简单, 不支持搜索. 是否可以采用sqlite类似的数据进行存储? 以后需要支持笔记本, 笔记, 标签搜索 2. 数据库的设计应该支持多用户, 可以添加多个用户. 3. 笔记内容每次都需要从远程获取, 需要离线存储, 先查本地是否有, 如果没有, 则远程获取, 且存储到本地. 当下次增量同步时, 若该笔记远程已修改, 则重新获取内容. ## 笔记本, 笔记 添加搜索功能 ## 笔记图片, 附件问题...


help wanted

I have run it on Centos successfully, Please see

适用于 Centos 6.0+/7.0+. (为什么要写到issue中, 因为可以讨论) # 1. 安装依赖 ## 1.1 yum安装依赖 ``` yum install -y libev-devel yum install mpdecimal # 可能不需要了 yum install mpdecimal-devel yum install mariadb-devel -y # libmysqlclient-dev没有,...
