Results 5 comments of Salas

Would it happen after rertying the command? I can't reproduce it. Somehow, I think this may triggered by netwrok error or HTTP request fail by Dcard. Retry for the results,...

Finally located it, when turning on the `Comment=True`. Dcard server sometimes respond ` Forbidden` as we request for the comments, so the responded content is empty and thus the JSON...

嗨,如果是指要取得特定看板的metadata,需要指定看板名稱喔 e.g., ```python dcard = Dcard() meta = dcard.forums('photography').get_metas() ``` 所有看板的metadata則是 ``` dcard.forums.get() ``` 參考用法

嗨,確實可以用喔 你可能要先確認是否更新到最新版程式 ![image](

謝謝學長補充~ 好久沒用了,原來現在已經會擋大量 requests 了喔 XD