Duparc Loic
Duparc Loic
Hi, When are we able to install aglio on Windows. We have the same issue for few months, have you plan to fix it or not ?
Hi, How to define a base uri for kubebox when deploying under Kubernetes ? Eg: https://mydomain.something.com/kubebox When all is at / it's working but not with /kubebox. Thanks,
Running Kubebox (latest version) CPU LImit (red line) display CPU request config and not real limit set in Deployment config. Checking kubernetes dashboard, cpu is well set. All ok concerning...
Hi, Ability to install kubebox using brew on Mac osx. At least adding a command option --version to test existing version already installed. Thanks,
Hi, Can you give access to a sample application using your library. Throught Google Play or your Github. Thanks,
Add liveness/readiness probe to deployment/statefulSets to ensure pods are up & running.
Trying to install plugin on kubernetes Docker for mac, I copy cifs bin to plugin dir on k8s_kube-controller but I'm not able to execute command `cifs init`. result is `cifs...
Hi, I have a stack of more than 100 microservices. With a bunch of microservices the home page is not able to load and we can see the loader undeterminately.
Hi, I'm currently working with Android Studio 1.3.2. I can install the plugin and restart Android Studio, but when I try to open your plugin on the sidebar, I've got...