Lars Düsing
Lars Düsing
Problem is you are running ffprobe for all books you find. Parallel. I tried to reproduce the problem and had more than 80 ffprobe processes...
Solution: In the [documentation of node-ffprobe]( ``` Additionnally, you can set ffprobe.SYNC to true if you want for a particular reason to launch ffprobe synchronously (for example when used...
Sorry, each ffprobe process uses round about 120 MiB of virtual ram. In a directory with 80 audiobooks on a raspberry in docker your image gets killed. Scanning is something...
Oh. Sorry. `docker run -it --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v "$(pwd)":/mnt m4b-tool merge -v --jobs=2 --output-file="output/" --batch-pattern="input/%g/%a/%s/%p - %n/" --batch-pattern="input/%g/%a/%n/" "input/"` in the current git-master on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS...
Sorry, I have the same problem on multiple current Intel bluetooth devices: - Intel NUC as above - Intel Corp. AX201 Bluetooth On both aioblescan works.
I'm not really sure, but it seems to boil down to that problem: browsing aioblescan it seems to read raw sockets, no usage of pybluez. Therefore, maybe, wontfix in...
@sudoeste maybe try: `sudo hcitool lescan` If there is a problem, then it could be our problem.