Louis Dion-Marcil
Louis Dion-Marcil
Default it to false; don't report missing SameSite
Identify duplicate cookies on multiple endpoints which should not be reported multiple times.
Right now the idle time is stored (if received) in the user's whois reply block, but if the user is on a different leaf server, the client will not be...
User _sae_ on #r_netsec@freenode suggested adding CTCP scans. I think this would be a great addition in order to get an idea of the different time zones/versions of bots and...
Hey, I have found a vector vulnerable to this bug but requires specific sizes (ie 1000x1000, or 100x100). Did you have in mind to add this as a feature?
Burp's new version 2022.9.5 has unfortunately broken this extension (https://portswigger.net/burp/releases/professional-community-2022-9-5). The changelog mentions a lot of API modifications, which might be the cause for this. No errors are printed in...
Hi, I noticed there was an update to the interactsh web interface earlier today. This resulted in everyone's local config being wiped, including server settings but also all of our...
The text is too large for the display area of the Wsdler tab on my Burp instance. I think this is because I have made Burp's default font larger than...
Hi all. We have often ran into situations where we lost our interaction data, which led to very awkward situations. This PR implements an auto download feature which when activated,...