Results 9 issues of 北风飘然

First of all, thank you for the great inspiration for this project. I found a problem, but I am not sure about the path, I found that if the url...

After the administrator logged in, open the following page poc: one.html---Delete any article <html> <!-- CSRF PoC - generated by Burp Suite Professional --> <body> <img src=> </body> </html> Id...

最近准备些一个差不多的工具 也遇到出现其他域名的问题了 可以做个判断在 subdomains.append的时候如果domain不在url里面或者url不是domain结尾的就continue不就好了 嘿嘿~~~

不知道应该和机器有关么 1h1g vps 装的kaili最新的 开100线程的时候 需要做一个ctrl+c操作跳出第一个 然后我开了30线程 扫描banner会报错 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/root/DiscoverSubdomain/lib/", line 27, in GetBanner r = requests.get(url, timeout=10, verify=False) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/", line 72, in get...

**********Enumerate Discover Mode********** Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 84, in main domains = SubNameBrute(target=self.domain, threads=self.thread, mode=self.mode).run() File "/root/DiscoverSubdomain/brute/", line 35, in __init__ self.threads)] TypeError: range() integer end...

fix StarkCurveSigner import does not show up bug

最近使用猪哥的工具 发现返回结果没有域名的标题啥的 自己写了个小脚本 希望猪哥参考添加进去 `import requests import json from bs4 import BeautifulSoup domain = set() jsonname = ['alexa.json', 'chaxunla.json', 'dnsburte.json', 'ilinks.json', 'netcraft.json', 'sitedossier.json' , 'threatminer.json'] def do_json(name): with open(name) as...

## Description Can't get some traffic I use a software that communicates with wss traffic, but I can’t get it. I can get it using another packet capture tool. I...
