Luiko Czub
Luiko Czub
Hello Vincent, sorry for late response. I also do not see a possibility, how to change the execution order using the api. Beside creating a new TestPlan per API maybe...
Hello Elapfra, thanks for your explanation. I start now to understand and must apologize, that I haven't yet implemented the known api change #139. Guess that would give us the...
createPlatform accepts now new optional args _platformondesign_ and _platformonexecution_ ( see #139) sample ``` newPlatForm = myTestLink.createPlatform(NEWPROJECT, NEWPLATFORM_A, notes='Platform for Big Birds, unique name, only used in this project', platformondesign=True,...
next hidden error in _TestLinkExample_ occurs in line 435 ``` reportTCResult [{'status': True, 'operation': 'reportTCResult', 'overwrite': False, 'message': 'Success!', 'id': '6'}] Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\git\TestLink-API-Python-client\example\", line 435,...
Hello Fermi-4, thanks for this hint. Last tested py version was py39. Will check during next weeks , what to change for py310 compatibility. Regards Luiko
Hello Usman, looks as if inside the testlink server itself happen something unexpected - maybe tl py api call a method not yet supported by your tl server? * which...
Hello Usman, Which API py release matches to which TL server version is documented in [CHANGES.rst]( You find there TL 1.18 not listed, cause it was , when I remember...
Hello Elapfra, thanks for your response. It is interesting, cause before I published the releases the examples were working . So maybe it is an issue driven by special version...
Hello Elapfra, that is real interesting. I tried to reproduce it and run also in failing TestLinkExample, but in a much earlier section (see issue #150 ) * your sample...
Thanks for sharing your changes - observed that you also had issue with _uploadExecutionAttachmemts_ I will fix the failures step by step during the next days and will use #150...