Lauren Coombe
Lauren Coombe
Hello, The sums above include all of the entries in the `ragoo.fasta` output file, so it doesn't look like those missing sequences are in the file -- the unplaced contigs...
Looks like those numbers don't quite match: ``` [lcoombe]$ cd orderings [lcoombe]$ ls |xargs -P 8 -n 32 cat > ../test.orderings [lcoombe]$ cd .. [lcoombe]$ wc -l test.orderings 1424144 test.orderings...
This is a human assembly, and there are 1,432,518 contigs originally. Perhaps Ragoo is better suited to work with assemblies with fewer pieces?
Perhaps an easy work-around for me would be to just see what contigs are in the chimera_break fasta and NOT in an orderings txt file, and add those guys into...
Ok good to know about the unplaced sequence. The N50 is ~1.3 Mbp, so I'm not too concerned about the unplaced smaller sequences -- most of the genome is in...
Unfortunately I'm working with confidential data, so I can't share the assemblies with you. I think I have a decent workaround for now -- if I add in all the...
My 'reference' is another human assembly using a different assembler. The original `ragoo.fasta` file has ~727 Mbp in it, vs ~2.4 Gbp in the file with manually concatenating sequence.
Hi @desmodus1984, For the memory request, I'd give yourself a bit more wiggle room in terms of memory. It's hard to say exactly how much extra memory on top of...
Hi Sabrin, I also responded to your google issue, but thank you for including more information here. We do monitor both methods of communication, but issues via github (only) is...
Hello @Sabrin2020, So to be clear, the test data ran OK the first time, but not the second? Had you made any adjustments to your conda environment (installed any other...