The final and temporary files such as *.vtu, *.cvs, *.dat, etc. are generated in the current folder. Can an executable option be added to redirect all output files to a...
This function name caused a building issue, simply fix it.
A six-mode eigen model generates the 7th time step data in the result file. The values are zeros, seems not necessary. Thanks. [elmer_welsim.rst.txt]( [elmer_welsim.sif.txt]( [mesh.boundary.txt]( [mesh.element.txt]( [mesh.header.txt]( [mesh.nodes.txt](
OpenFOAM result file for Tecplot
3D multi-body electrostatic analysis
Sometimes, the side face is selected. Need to optimize the contact search feature to prioritize direct/normal face-to-face contact. "080_contact_search_elec_brake_mount"
Support radial stress in the post-processing structural analysis
support frequency response in structural analysis
Certain imported STEP assembly shapes have only one union body
Support Quad and Hex mesh generation. Quad first. confirm user when this feature becomes available.