Luis Cavero Martínez

Results 8 comments of Luis Cavero Martínez

@markitosgv Hi, testing in dev-master solves the previous problem, a new problem happens now No identifier/primary key specified for Document 'Gesdinet\JWTRefreshTokenB !! undle\Document\RefreshToken'. Every Document must have an identifier/primar !!...

@markitosgv The mapping file /home/luilli/FREELANCE/fly/core/vendor/gesdinet/jwt-refresh-token-bundle/Resources/config/mongodb/doctrine-document/RefreshToken.mongodb.xml is invalid: Line 9:0: Element '{}field', attribute 'id': The attribute 'id' is not allowed.

Lookslike it works, no errors in cache clear. Great!

Yes, it generates the refresh token on login. Perfect!

@markitosgv Hola Marcos, no sé si me he perdido algo pero te cuento. Para doctrine odm 4 si no me equivoco tienen que haber dos cosas. El archivo RefreshToken.mongodb.xml tiene...

I solve it adding this lines in deploy.php ` public function beforePreparing() { $this->runRemote('cp {{ deploy_dir }}/repo/.env {{ project_dir }}/.env'); $this->runRemote('cp {{ deploy_dir }}/repo/.env.development {{ project_dir }}/.env.development'); }`

Hi, I am using MRecordRTC and I can't add more streams, I need some help, please ```javascript controller.onLocalStream = function (stream){ recorder = new MRecordRTC(); recorder.mediaType = { audio: true,...